Development of Human Resources
Basic Policy for Human Resource Development
- As-is
- One of our top priorities is “securing and developing human capital.” To this end, we are focusing on developing management leaders and professional talent. In our management candidate development program, we aim to improve candidates’ practical decision-making skills by cultivate the management knowledge and strategic thinking that the next generation of leaders require. Moreover, we utilize our highly specialized human resources certification system to promote the development of high-level human resources with specialized knowledge and skills.
- To-be
- In working to realize our Long-term Vision, we position human capital as a crucial element in our competitive advantage, and we aim to further leverage the diversity of our human resources going forward by fostering a free and open corporate culture. We will enhance workplaces that encourage tackling challenges, promote systems that make growth palpable, and systematically develop management leaders and professional talent. Additionally, we will establish mechanisms that support autonomous learning and growth and thereby increase our corporate value.
Human Development Vision
- Develop human resources with high morals.
- They are able to conduct fair and just business activities using global perspectives while observing the norms of society, regulations and laws, and rules
- Develop human resources who are capable of achieving goals and realizing the visions of organizations and individuals through their work
- They are highly creative
- They are cooperative and rational, and take action based on mutual trust
- Develop human resources that can flexibly adapt to market changes
- They are able to handle operations on a global scale
- They are able to take on challenges to expand business fields
Career Planning Scheme
Taikisha introduced the career plan scheme in FY2018.
This scheme aims to foster independent human resources. We believe the most important element for this is to make each employee fully aware of what they want to become in the future as a business person. We understand that providing support and guidance to each employee to achieve their future vision is one of the roles we must undertake as a company.
All job function in the Company are broken down into job fields and grades to define and clearly state the details of the work knowledge, skills required for each job and class, and the official certifications that we encourage employees to acquire. This information is disclosed within the Company and helps employees to systematically understand what knowledge and skills they need for their vision, and to take necessary actions, receiving supports from supervisors and senior co-workers.
Using these knowledge and skills, employees are encouraged to engage actively and come up with more advanced and creative ideas depending on their individual characteristic and mind.
This scheme is operated together with the employee evaluation system with the intention of educating employees, and they and their supervisors can register or browse at any time and from any place in the online system.
Certification of Highly Specialized Human Resourse
Amid the rapidly changing business environment, Taikisha believes that it is necessary to differentiate from others by leveraging specialized technologies as strengths and evolving into an enterprise that creates new value. Consequently, we have introduced our “highly specialized human resources certification system,” a framework designed to ensure the perpetual succession of “Taikisha, the Technology Company.”
This system aims to realize our career development policy, which is that “Each employee should be professional and have high market value.” Certification will be tied into employee motivation initiatives to position it as an attractive career milestone.
In conjunction with our management candidate development program, the system certifies professionals who possess high technical skills and specialized knowledge. We will continue our efforts to foster a corporate culture in which such “highly specialized human resources” can fulfill their capabilities."

Education and Training Schemes
There is a lineup of training schemes available in Taikisha to enhance its members' skills in managing projects and teams and communicating with clients, business partners, supervisors, colleagues and subordinates in addition to improving the expertise of individual employees. Training programs continue to be improved and developed so that they can help employees acquire the knowledge and skills they think they need, thereby providing target-oriented education. With the aim of developing self-motivated human resources, Taikisha provides education to accelerate the development of professionals and leaders.
Training by job grade
A training by job grade is offered to employees based on the levels of their responsibilities.

Training by objective
A training by objective is offered to employees depending on the purpose such as career development, compliance education, etc.
Global Management Training
Taikisha conducts training programs aimed at developing management personnel who can demonstrate leadership and practical skills from a global perspective.
In FY2023, we conducted an approximately eight-month-long training program with a total of 15 members, consisting of 10 individuals from overseas sites (including 5 national staff) and 5 from Japan. The trainees covered a wide range of topics, including management concepts for the future, designing business systems that create new value, and research on the direction of the national economy and industries. An active exchange of ideas took place.

Overseas Trainee System
In FY2024, we introduced our overseas trainee system. Under this system, junior employees are dispatched to overseas sites in order to rapidly develop talent capable of expanding our global business. This system is linked to our effort to “develop and secure human capital” described in the Mid-Term Business Plan, and aims to encourage employees to take up challenges, and to invigorate personnel and organization dynamics. In the first term, two participants have been dispatched on a training program that will last about seven months.

Training for overseas local staff at overseas affiliates
A training for overseas local staff is offered for employees who work for our overseas subsidiaries.
Overseas Trainee Development
At our overseas sites, we aim to enable local national staff to directly mentor team members. To this end, we invite management executive candidates to Taikisha headquarters for a two-year training program. The training includes not only language skills but also classroom learning, practical CAD training, and on-site training.
Just and Fair Assessment
Taikisha's personnel assessment is conducted based on the philosophies of fair and transparent operations.
In performance evaluation, employees are assessed based on their abilities, motivation and conduct required for each employee and the degree of contribution to business performance. The results are given to employees as feedback, and this is expected to lead to enhanced human resource development. In particular, the evaluation of skills, which is one area of ability evaluation, is based on a clear and transparent definition of skills according to the grade and type of job.
At the beginning of the fiscal year, employees and their supervisors set job targets and individual growth targets through interviews and have a monthly dialogue, while being mindful of a monthly PDCA cycle to achieve the targets. By doing so, Taikisha nurtures employees and gives them guidance.
Evaluations at the end of the fiscal year are not limited to assessing employees based on numerical performance results alone, which an excessive achievement-based system tends to do; instead, employees are evaluated not only in view of how much they hav boosted their capabilities relative to their individual long-term growth Targets, but also by placing importance on how much they have contributed to the creation of added value that Taikisha seeks to generate for society, such as making efforts and demonstrating creativity repeatedly in tackling matters beyond their knowledge as a challenger with enthusiasm while getting others involved as well.