Promotion of Health Management

Health Management Declaration

Taikisha formulated corporate philosophy, "Establish a company which can continuously grow and contribute to the society" and "Establish an attractive company" for the purpose of corporate management in 1970, together with our mission statement, "Customers First".

In order to maintain and promote the sound mental and physical health of all employees, we constantly implement various effective measures under our health promotion system, maintain the sound mind and body of every one of our employees and enhance their motivation to do so, and develop the creativity and activity of individuals.

Masashi Osada

Taikisha is recognized as a “Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations 2024 Large Enterprise Category (White 500).”

The Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program is a system for recognizing “companies that strategically implement initiatives intended for ‘employee health and productivity management’ from a business management perspective” jointly by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi. In addition, the top 500 among the 2,988 companies recognized as health and productivity management outstanding organizations are recognized as enterprises that are practicing particularly outstanding health and productivity management.

Taikisha has been recognized as one of the “White 500” for four consecutive years since 2021, when we were the first company recognized as such in the air conditioning equipment construction work industry.


Employee Health Promotion Structure

The President serves as the person in charge of health management, and the Director, Executive Corporate Officer, Chief Executive, Administrative Management Headquarters is appointed as the person in charge of promoting health measures.
Personnel Administration Dept. has central functions to promote health management measures. It plans and implements various health measures for employees, verifies the results of these measures, and constantly works to better them.
It does this together with the chief medical doctor, regional medical doctors, health nurses, regional health committees, the Taikisha Group Health Insurance Association, and Organizational Culture Improvement Committee.

Chief Medical Doctor

The chief medical doctor conducts collaborative activities and unifies functions companywide for regional medical doctors working seamlessly with the regional health committees. The chief medical doctor pinpoints characteristic health issues of our employees that arise from the nature of our business type and their working patterns. Then, from a medical standpoint, the chief medical doctor offers suggestions that help solve those issues to company management and the functional departments involved in undertaking health measures inside the Company, and conducts regular monitoring.

Health Committees

Taikisha has established health and safety committees at our seven nationwide bases including the headquarters. The committees prepare and implement basic measures and plans to maintain and further improve the health of employees. They are run independently from the safety committees, which are mainly consulted for onsite safety.

With the Director, Executive Corporate Officer, Chief Executive, Administrative Management Headquarters serving as the chairman at the headquarters, the committees have formulated policy to maintain and further improve the health of employees. In collaboration with the chief medical doctor stationed in our headquarters, the committees make proposals on the health management of employees in general, including such policies and disease prevention, from a companywide medical standpoint. The health committees meet once a month in each region, with medical doctors talking about timely issues and subjects and encouraging employees to take medical checkups, including second ones. The regional medical doctors provide health consultations directly to employees with poor physical or mental conditions, or those who have overworked themselves, as well as promoting medical and special health guidance to those requiring it as a result of their medical checkups.

Group Health Insurance Association

An independent health insurance association was established in 2014 for employees including members of our four group subsidiaries and family members or dependents covered by insurance.
This health insurance association works with outside medical institutions and medical service providers in coordination with the Administrative Management Headquarters and Personnel Administration Dept. They conduct health surveys to maintain and further improve the physical and mental health of family members, then analyze the data to suggest various health measures. Specifically, they implement health measures such as health checkups, special health guidance, health consultations, and activities to prevent lifestyle-related diseases (smoking cessation outpatient services, encouraging blood pressure measurement, and health index monitoring using wearable devices).

Corporate Culture Committee

Members of the Corporate Culture Committee act as employee representatives belonging to each region, collecting various opinions and information regarding workplace environments and conditions at branch offices, then provide suggestions to the regional health committees.

Key Measures to Improve the Physical and Mental Health of Employees

Taikisha focuses on characteristic health issues of our employees that arise from the nature of our business type and their working patterns, and takes special measures especially to help solve these issues.
The following are four health issues for maintaining and further improving the sound physical and mental health of our employees. We are engaged in ongoing health promotion activities, formulating specific measures to prevent and solve these issues, setting effective metrics for them, and measuring their cost-effectiveness.

  1. Measures for long working hours
  2. Improving lifestyle habits
  3. Improving mental health
  4. Supporting a work-life balance

The Strategy Map for Health Management (Japanese)

Measures for Long Working Hours

Overwork is a major medical cause of complaints of physical and mental health. Taikisha must take action to improve this situation.

Objectives The construction industry is legally required to limit overtime work to 45 hours a week by FY2024. We aim to reduce long working hours by achieving this as one of our goals.

Please see the Measures for Long Working Hours webpage for details.

Improving Lifestyle Habits

Metabolic syndrome, which is caused by poor lifestyle habits, is a cause of serious diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and brain disease. We hope to improve this situation.

Improving the Percentage of People Receiving Special Health Guidance
Rather than simply encouraging people to get checkups, we take measures to match personal circumstances, understanding the situation and thinking of people who require observation who should receive special health guidance, with the aim of raising the percentage one by one.
Blood Pressure Management
By providing blood pressure monitors and guidance on taking blood pressure to our main business offices, we aim to determine the health of our employees and to improve their health awareness.
Promoting Smoking Cessation
For smokers who desire to quit smoking, we help them realize smoking cessation through outpatient guidance on smoking cessation and full support for expenses. We set “no-smoking times” and “no-smoking days” at all of our business offices with the aim of establishing a no-smoking lifestyle.
Executing rate of smoking cessation campaign (in May 2023) 2.8 %(Participant/Smoker)
Support to Encourage Exercise
Since September 2020, we have started the trial adoption of health measures using wearable devices to provide health guidance relating to overall health, such as encouraging exercise, maintaining blood pressure, sleeping and water intake. In the future, we will put this program into full-scale operation to improve the daily lifestyle habits of those requiring support to lower the risk of lifestyle-related diseases.Furthermore, we regularly hold walking and other events to promote exercise.

Improvement in health literacy (ability to understand health information and act appropriately)

We endeavor to enhance the health of our employees through health seminars (including measures against metabolic syndrome, cancer prevention, diet, exercise, sleep, stress, smoking cessation, drinking, infection prevention, fall prevention, headache, eye and dental health, woman-specific health issues) Videos and materials posted are accessible at any time on the company intranet.

Attendance rate of seminars on lifestyle improvement 58.1%
Attendance rate of seminars on menopause and headaches 66.9%

Goals for Health Promotion of Employees and Employees' Health Condition(Older than 40 years old)

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FY2021 FY2022 Goal for FY2023
Proper weight maintenance rate ※1 57.0% 55.5% 60.0%
Smoking rate 28.5% 28.1% 26.0%
Regular exercise engagement rate ※2 21.3% 24.2% 25.0%
Enough sleep and rest rate 61.2% 58.3% 62.0%
Habitual drinker ※3 18.9% 21.8% 17.0%
Blood pressure risk rate ※4 1.1% 0.7%
Treatment continuation rate of persons with blood pressure risks ※5 82.7% 83.1%
Diabetes risk rate ※6 0.6% 0.5%
Rate of people with poor diabetes management ※7 2.0% 1.8%
Number of health instructors in prevention of severe illness ※7 0 0
  • 1
    Percentage of people with a BMI of 18.5 and over and below 25
  • 2
    Percentage of people who exercise for at least 30 minutes each time twice a week
  • 3
    Percentage of people who drink “occasionally” or “every day” and consume 2 go or more in terms of Japanese sake per drinking day.
  • 4
    Percentage of people with a systolic blood pressure of 180 mm Hg or higher or a diastolic blood pressure of 110 mm Hg or higher.
  • 5
    Percentage of those under treatment for hypertension
  • 6
    Percentage of people with a fasting blood sugar of 200 mg/dl or higher.
  • 7
    Percentage of people with an HbA1c of 8.0% or higher.

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FY2021 FY2022 Goal for FY2023
Annual health checkups participation rate 100% 100% 100%
Special health guidance participation rate 23.3% 27.2% 35.0%
Thorough check up rate (%) 23.0% 28.6% 50.0%
Investment amount of smoking cessation outpatient services (yen) 188,100 170,500 165,000
Participants in smoking cessation programs 9 31 30
Annual medical costs per person (yen) 162,000 131,000 142,000

Improving Mental Health

If a person has poor mental health, it may be difficult to do normal work tasks and also may greatly affect the person's life. We are responsible for finding an employee showing signs of such disturbance early in order to correct the working environment and solve the interpersonal relationship. We take steps to prevent mental health disorders at each of the following stages.

Prevention 1: Activities to protect the employees from mentally unwell conditions.
Internal training, etc. to raise awareness of the employees.
Prevention 2: Measures to find problems at an early stage and take prompt and appropriate actions.
Appropriate advice and instructions are given upon consultation or communication with the supervisors or the division leader of the person who is unwell. If needed, consultation is available for the employee.
Prevention 3: Measures to precisely learn and manage symptoms in order to prevent them from becoming worse.
If an employee becomes unwell, the Personnel Administration Department at the Administrative Management Headquarters immediately responds, follows up and provides support until the employee can return to his/her work.

Taikisha has set up the Taikisha Group Health Insurance Association and opened an online physical and mental health counseling service called Physical and Mental Health Consultation, through which it provides speedy and appropriate support to help employees and their family members eliminate any concerns and worries about physical and mental health. This is done through counseling given by specialized counseling staff who are experienced doctors, health nurses, nurses, registered dietitians, etc., 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Concurrently with the introduction of the stress check system in accordance with the revised Industrial Health and Safety Act, Taikisha has established a mechanism that can provide employees with the opportunity to monitor their mental state and cope with stresses and support employees in doing so.

The Result of Mental Health Care Activity

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Item FY2021 FY2022 Goal for FY2023
Stress check examination rate 97.0% 97.3% 97.5%
High-stress employee rate 8.2% 6.5% 7.8%

Productivity Losses through Absenteeism

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Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Average overtime work per month/employee (hours) 24.3 22.2 24.3
Physical condition due to injury and illness 14 19 16
Absenteeism 0.94 1.05 1.20
Presenteeism 73.7 75.1
Work engagement 50.8 50.5 51.4
Number of employees who left their job 22 45 34
  • 1
    Annual number of absences due to accident and sickness/Total number of employees (The number of persons is not disclosed because this is not a questionnaire.)
  • 2
    University of Tokyo Single-Item Presenteeism Question: Self-evaluation for the past four weeks (average of all employees) using the demonstration degree of performance (0 to 100 points) and assuming that the performance is 100% when the person does not suffer an illness or injury.
  • 3
    Positive and fulfilling mental states related to work. Employees' responses to questions on vitality, enthusiasm, and absorption are shown as deviation values (849/1,653 persons). The FY2023 target is 52.0%.

Supporting a Work-life Balance

We try to improve the physical and mental health of employees and their families, and take care to prevent illnesses or to achieve a quick recovery through employment and health consultation, and introduction to medical institutions.
We encourage our employees to use our leave programs and flexible work systems to maintain physical and mental health and achieve quick recovery for those suffering from problems.

Status of Use of Support System and Paid Leave


Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of employees on maternity leave 2 3 3
Number of employees on childcare leave 9 11 20
Ratio of employees who returned to work after childcare leave (%) 100 100 100
Retention rate 12 months after returning to work (%) 100 100 100
Number of employees who are using the short-working-hours system 22 20 16
Average paid leave taken by all employees (days) 9.8 10.3 11.1

Expansion of health measures

We will endeavor to disseminate health and productivity management by introducing our health measures and health videos to other companies, including our customers, and jointly holding events, etc.